Technical Skills
  • Development:  Full-Stack Responsive, Project and Team Management, Raw Responsive CSS, Bootstrap, Project Estimating, *nix Apache, Windows IIS, Heroku, mLab
  • Languages:  PHP (OO / Procedural), HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, Perl, ASP, VBScript
  • Database:  MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MS Access
  • DB Utilities:  phpMyAdmin, MySQL Workbench, SQLite DB Browser, pgAdmin, Robomongo (now Robo3t), MongoDB Compass
  • Editors:  Sublime, Notepad++, Visual Studio Code, Atom, IDLE, PyCharm, Jupyter
  • APIs:  REST/JSON/XML, Google (Maps, Analytics, OAuth, G+), YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Authorize, Weather,
  • Popular Open Source:  WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, PrestaShop, oscommerce
  • Other Related:  OOD/OOP, Version Control (GIT / SVN), MVC, RSS, Regex, Smarty Templating, Photoshop, Illustrator, PSP

  • In-Depth (Competency):  Python, Django, Flask, Tkinter
  • Current Training:  Laravel
  • On-Going:  MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js (MERN Stack)
  • Minor Experience:  Java, ColdFusion, Android

  • Laravel:  Composer, Artisan, Collective Forms
  • Python:  Django, Django REST Framework, pip, bcrypt, beautifulsoup, pillow, pylint, pytz, Flask, Flask Security, SQLAlchemy, Nginx, Gunicorn, Mutagen
  • Node.js:  express, mongoose, npm, yarn, nodemon, handlebars, yargs, axios,, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Async / Await, crypto-js, bcryptjs, body-parser, lodash, validator, passport, passport-google-oauth, connect-flash, moment, mustache.js, Hashing, Security, Authentication)
  • Node Testing:  Mocha, Expect, Supertest, Rewire, Postman
  • React.js:  JSX, Babel, Webpack, validator, react-modal, react-router, redux, uuid, numeral
  • React.js Testing:  jest, react-test-renderer, Snapshot, Enzyme, shallow

Related Technical:
  • Server CPs:  Web Host Manager (WHM) with Full Server Control, cPanel, Plesk, GoDaddy, pair, 1and1, HostGator, DotEasy, CrystalTech, Network Solutions, others
  • Other:  Domain Names / Services (DNS), Putty, Git Bash, Cron

(View Soft Skills)

“With Roger's help, we've managed to build a HIGHLY flexible and scale-able system whereby multiple sites on our server can invisibly and seamlessly post to the same form and database. VERY slick.”